Saturday, July 25, 2015

Just Like the Movies, Google Wants You to Capture Live Videos With Google Glass

Missing all those memories you made with your friends in the school, or college? Well, how well do you remember them? Do you remember the happy faces of the people who came to your birthday last week? You might have seen in sci-fi movies, how humans from the future do everything with just a click, all happening inside their brain, or some tiny gadget. Working on the same line, Google is preparing to inculcate a real-life incident capturing tech in the next version of Google Glass.
Google has recently been awarded a new patent that will replace your tangible memory and make it a searchable video library. Yes, your life experiences stored in the cloud. This patent, if paired with a wearable like Google Glass, could make our fantasy of living everything once again, a possibility.
With this patent, Google wants to mount a tiny camera over Google Glass. This will make a video archive by sending it to your private phone. Now, your phone will upload the video to the server, that will be used later. The idea is to empower you to search memories from a “search engine of memories”, just like the usual Google search.
These video memories will be tagged with location and time. Quartz writes about the intuitive advantage Google intends to provide with this feature: as soon as your search engine of memories detects some pre-set recording location, it will automatically start recording the memories.
This futuristic Google Glass will also be having the ability to talk to you and listen your commands. You’ll curse your fragile memory and then thank this intelligent search engine of memories for answering life-saving questions like, “What was the name of place where I went on the first date with my girlfriend?” and “What did we eat that evening?”
Currently, this is a patent and we can’t say anything with certainty that Google will convert it into a memory capturing Google Glass. Quartz writes that it could also be embedded in other products like Google Photos to make your life easier and fun.

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